Friday 26 September 2014

SECRET - Jeek has entered and he has earned 2 haters, and he's trying his best to win, with making Big Brother giving him pass to Final!

The worst idea, that a Big Brother could find on it's show!

Gossips - Brody and Lucy have romantic game at bedtime!

8 hours, before Brody walked for medical reasons..
Lucy has been sad for it, but she enjoyed a romantic time with Brody, into bed, making small romantic gamies!

HIGHLIGHTS - Lucy, Sandy, Sunshine, Joe, Jeek have faced next public's vote!

The post says it all, these 5 housemates, have been nominated, with facing next public vote!
They have already passed, this weeks shopping task!

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Running Order + Launch Date!

Launch Date is revealed and housemate slots are still open!
We have 5-6 housemates so far!

Monday 22 September 2014

Saturday 20 September 2014

Cliff and Ashleigh, are dancing together in garden during the Celebrating Party, what a great friendship!

Time 11:03pm..
Celebrating party isn't over yet, with Cliff and Ashleigh dancing and talking about Alex and Jessy exit and the nominees Tammer and John..
-Ashleigh:I really hated Alex, from the time he entered in, what you think Cliff?
-Cliff:Same, he's so stupid.
-Ashleigh:Tammer, got easily nomineed, he was so silent tonight.
-Cliff:Really, John was staying all day at the bed..
-Ashleigh:By the other way, the troll of this series, Jessy left..FINALLY!
-Cliff:Thank god too..

Highlights - Ashleigh and Alex having a large argue into the bathroom!

All began, when Alex wanted say that he's going walk.
When, he said it, Ashleigh was sad and didn't want Alex to leave.They had a flame both together, but now flame moves between Ashleigh and Cliff, and there has been none argue with these 2 housemates!

Is there a new housemate entering the Big Brother House?

Luckily, it's time to find the answer!
There's a new housemate entering the house, his name will be shown, on tonight's pre-eviction!

Highlights - Big Brother holds a celebrating party into the house, for rising up HM's and for Jessy's eviction..

Housemates, enjoying their time on Big Brother house, previous night with..
Celebration Party!There were playing much music tracks, and housemates was rising-up and dancing really well!But, the 2nd eviction is coming, and housemates are not liking the nominees of this week..Which they're - Tammer, John.


With his decide, Alex has been walking from the Big Brother house, leaving all housemates continue their time in Big Brother.Alex, hated all housemates, also he was up for the 1st eviction!Who's going next for walking, who's going up for 3rd live eviction?